An IBAN consists of a two-letter country code, two check digits and a Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN). A BBAN includes information about the domestic bank and account number. The IBAN print format adds one space after every four characters whereas the electronic format contains no spaces.
Important This tool only validates IBAN formatting. It does not guarantee that the account details listed below are correct or that such an account exists.
Your IBAN Number | FI21 1234 5600 0007 85 | |
ISO Country Code | FI (Finland) | |
IBAN check digits | 21 | |
BBAN | 1234 5600 0007 85 | |
Bank identifier | 123456 | |
Account Number | 0000078 | |
SEPA Member | Yes |
[ES] Many countries use the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) as a standardized format for how bank account information is presented when sending an international money transfer. The IBAN examples and formats found on this site are based on the SWIFT IBAN Registry.
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