
The World We Share: Meet Isaac and Alejandra

The World We Share: Meet Isaac and Alejandra

April 24, 2024 4 min read

Since 2012, Ria has been collaborating with the TeletónUSA foundation to help children with a range of disabilities, including neurological disorders, muscular deficiencies, and osteopetrosis. The non-profit organization offers rehabilitation services to improve the children’s quality of life. Recently, we were honored to receive a visit from TeletónUSA beneficiary Isaac and his mother Alejandra in our offices in Buena Park, California.

Isaac’s condition, treatment options and Alejandra’s fight for healthcare access

From the moment Isaac first opened his eyes sixteen years ago, his mom has been by his side. Isaac means the one who rejoices, and despite the challenges of being born with brain damage, Alejandra has made sure to do right by her son’s name. Though it’s not impossible to receive therapy for this type of disability, treatment is usually halted if the patient’s condition doesn’t improve. Against all odds, Alejandra has continued to fight for her son’s healthcare access, not in search of a cure, but simply for moments of relaxation or respite from her son’s pain.

A renewed hope: TeletónUSA transmission and an innovative treatment

One December evening, Alejandra happened upon a TeletónUSA transmission while watching TV. She was fascinated by what they were showing, an innovative treatment called hydrotherapy. She wished there was a center close by that could offer this type of service, and, within a couple of months, her prayers were answered. She received a call from a friend whose daughter also has special needs. “She told me she was in touch with Teletón Mexico and could send them over to my house as well. Two months later, they were interviewing us and taking note of Isaac’s specific needs,” shared Alejandra.

This was great news. Isaac was soon enrolled in the Centro de Rehabilitación e Inclusión Infantil (CRIT) La Paz, a TeletónUSA rehabilitation center located in Baja California. “Hydrotherapy is the most enriching because it lessens muscle aches. In my case, I had never seen my son relax until he was floating in the water,” recalled Alejandra. Isaac also received physical therapy and his first Botox injection at CRIT La Paz, which helped relax the muscles in his back. “They are constantly fighting their own bodies because spasticity hurts,” she explained.

The Centro de Rehabilitación e Inclusión Infantil (CRIT) La Paz: how CEMS therapy can help

The CRIT La Paz also offers CEMS therapy, which stands for Cuarto de Estimulación Multisensorial or Multisensorial Stimulation Room. The room is filled moving lights and other stimulants meant to help children with disabilities develop their five senses. “It’s a blessing, being able to move a finger. We’re millionaires. We can see, we can hear, we can swallow, we can touch… With them, we need to help them touch, smell, and even work on their hearing to help them develop it,” said Alejandra.

Before the stimulation room, doctors had assumed Isaac was blind. Yet, Isaac was mesmerized by the lights, following their movements with his eyes and even lifting his head for the first time. As of now, Isaac is considered to be legally blind, though the full extent of his ability to see is still unknown.

Knowledge gained and continued therapy

“For me as a mom, the greatest feeling is seeing your child react to something and to know that you can take away their pain. The knowledge you gain from the specialists, doctors, and therapists in these centers is something you get to take home. I’m no longer at the CRIT, but I continue to give him the therapy I learned,” said Alejandra.

We were deeply moved by the family’s visit, which inspired us to continue striving to break new fundraising records for the next TeletónUSA later this year. “I prayed and cried to find angels like you. People who lend a hand and who care about your son’s life. When we’re sick, we want people to be there for us. Sometimes our whole world closes up and we think no one’s there, but there are angels, and what you do with love and excellence is priceless.”

Download the 2023 Ria Money Transfer Impact Report to learn more about our other CSR initiatives, activities and results.

About the author

Gabrielle van Welie

Gabrielle van Welie is Ria's Global Content Manager. Originally from Dominican Republic, she specializes in the cultural impact of remittances and migration across the globe.

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