
Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

Ways to Save Money on a Tight Budget

February 4, 2021 5 min read

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Looking for ways to save money on a tight budget? You’re in the right place! Today, we’ll be covering different tips and tricks to make the most out of your budget. As we all know, saving money is important. It allows us to achieve our life goals, prepare for emergencies, and even treat ourselves when the time is right. However, there is a way to save up and live well on a tight budget.

Below, you’ll find a list of different approaches you can take to saving money, but none of them include skipping meals or going without the things that are important for your overall health and wellness. The idea is to think outside the box and use creative alternatives to curb expenses.

Ready to start saving? Let’s get to it!

Cook more. Easier said than done, am I right? While making time to cook, plan out meals, and go grocery shopping takes some getting used to, it’s the most efficient way to save up on money. If you’re the one making your dinners and lunches, you can bring down the price to one or two dollars per serving. Buy local, generic, and in season whenever possible. If it’s something that can be easily stored like rice and flour, buy in bulk.

Make shopping lists. Along the same lines, going into the supermarket with a shopping list in hand is a powerful tool. Not only will this keep you from forgetting something but also keep you on track. Tempting snacks and deals can be easily shut down with your trusty list. And this tip extends way beyond grocery shopping! Make lists for any type of purchases, and, if you want to take it a step further, add price ranges next to each item.

Look up free outing options. When we’re trying to save, it seems the first thing we throw out the window is our entertainment budget. But that shouldn’t be the case! Mental wellness is important, both for your health and to keep you energized and motivated. Many outdoor activities are free, such as visiting the park, attending outdoor performances, and doing sports. Indoor options include free museum visits or walking tours, reading at a local library, and some good old window shopping at the mall. Search the internet for “free activities in [your city],” next time you’re planning an outing. You’ll be surprised by the number of things you’ll find!

DYI through life. The great thing about DIY projects is that you learn new skills. That’s already a win in our book. If you can learn how to cut your own hair, do your own nails, fix your own appliances, make your own detergent, and so on and so forth, you’ll find yourself cutting down on quite a lot of expenses without needing to make any sacrifices. Of course, we all have different talents, so don’t get too discouraged if you can’t master every little thing. The important thing is to try! Who knows? Maybe you’ll be crossing off half your list of expenses through DIY projects.

Buy second-hand. An easy win for savings account, buying secondhand means you pay less while still getting what you want. Sure, we all prefer brand-new stuff, but it’s a matter of priorities. Take a look at what’s currently on your wish (or need) list and narrow down which could be bought second-hand and which you’d prefer to buy new. This way, you might even have enough money to buy everything you need in one go.

Make things easy for yourself. Saving on a tight budget takes discipline, especially when there isn’t a lot of money to go around in the first place. Don’t make each month a test of strength. Instead, try automating your savings payments or stick to cash-only for your daily expenses.

Revisit Expenses. A good way to save a little money every month is by revisiting your recurring expenses. Can you opt for a cheaper phone plan? Do you use your monthly travel pass as much, or would you be better off buying 10-trip packs? Take a close look at your needs vs. Wants. And remember, you can always revert to your original plan.

Negotiate prices. Bargaining might sound dreadful, but it can be as simple as asking if there are any deals available. Many times, phone companies will have special prices that you can take advantage of by just asking. There are also cheaper insurance options if you can pay the year up-front or you could move to a different provider that’s offering a better price for newcomers. Take your time researching options. Just remember you’re not married to the first price that comes up!

Find out about tax exemptions. Many governments offer tax cuts for young people, homeowners, and big families. These may vary by city, state, and country, so make sure you scour all the different governmental portals offering tax information. You can also consult with an accountant if you’re having a hard time figuring it out and start to get familiar with financial terms and concepts. With a little bit of luck, you could be getting a decent chunk of money back every tax season (which will go straight to your savings account, right?).

As you can see, there are ways to live on a tight budget while also saving a little money every month. We hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and tricks and are ready to apply some of these creative ways to save money in your own life!

And, whenever you need to send money to your loved ones, we’re here for you – download our Ria Money Transfer App for iOS or Android to get started!

For more financial tips, check out our Personal Finance section.

About the author

Madeline I. Carcamo

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