
Save the Children & Ria: what we accomplished in 2022

Save the Children & Ria: what we accomplished in 2022

March 28, 2023 3 min read

Illustration of four individuals under spotlights, each holding a round object resembling a flag. From left to right: a person with the Pakistan flag, a person with the Philippines flag, a person with the Mexico flag, and a person with the Ukraine flag. The artwork captures cultural diversity in 2022.

In January of 2022, we signed a partnership with Save the Children, an international NGO dedicated to improving the lives of children everywhere. We were positive this partnership would be the best way for our company to support communities around the world, fully integrate social responsibility into our business strategy, and stay true to Ria’s values and social responsibility objectives.  

Flash forward to 2023, and we are proud to say that our initial assessment was correct. Thousands of people, and especially children, have been positively impacted by the Save the Children projects we supported. Thanks to our sponsorship, children at risk in Mexico and the Philippines had access to quality education, learning materials, and safe spaces to learn, and many more received crucial humanitarian relief when faced with emergency situations.

Mexico: “Words that Emerge project” 

The “Words that Emerge” project in Mexico aimed to strengthen the literacy and math skills of preschoolers in marginalized areas in Mexico City. Many kids in this area would have no access to early education and safe learning spaces, if it weren’t for the Early Childhood Development Centers (CCDIs) that Save the Children Mexico is supporting. Thanks to our commitment, Save the Children was able to help more than 2,050 vulnerable children and their families

The main activities of the project were to train teachers and caregivers, to safeguard young girls and boys, and the design and distribution of educational materials. Among other study materials, we provided kids with learning diaries to strengthen their learning and understanding of language and communication, mathematical thinking, and the natural and social world. The diaries were also a way for parents to be closer to their children and help them with their studies and everyday exercises. 

The Philippines: “Safe Back to School” project 

The “Safe Back to School” project in the Philippines ensured that indigenous children displaced in Mindanao could safely access uninterrupted, protective, and quality education and child protection services. In the Mindanao region, hundreds of thousands of children and young people lack access to proper education and learning facilities. Thanks to Save the Children’s project, 14,865 vulnerable boys and girls were given the space and materials that they needed to learn, as well as the safe environment and support network that every child has a right to. 

Ria funded the construction of two temporary learning spaces in Maguindanao and Lanao del Sur, which not only supported children’s education but also the local economy, as the project created construction jobs and all the construction materials were sourced from suppliers in the area. We also sponsored the provision of learning and hygiene kits for children and the training of education personnel on vital topics including child protection and rights, disability and gender, and international humanitarian law. 

Humanitarian relief 

In addition to the projects in Mexico and the Philippines, our partnership with Save the Children allowed us to take swift action when humanitarian crises arose. When destructive floods struck Pakistan and war hit Ukraine in 2022, we were able to quickly organize donation collection and delivery
Our collaboration with Save the Children also included the “Hunger Crisis Moment of Action” campaign, which responded to the growing threat of food insecurity around the world. To do our part, we suspended fees for transfers to countries that suffer from high food insecurity, allowing our customers to choose from a variety of pay-out options to send zero-fee transfers to their loved ones.  

We are happy to say our customers and employees showed up by participating in these initiatives with dedication and generously donating to those who needed it.

At Ria, we feel a commitment to make positive contributions in our communities and to society, and actively incorporate social responsibility into our corporate strategy. Inclusive and consistent access to quality education is fundamental for children to prosper and build a future ripe with opportunities. We believe every person is important, and actively do our part to empower them to achieve their dreams. 

Follow us on LinkedIn to learn more about these projects and keep an eye on the latest updates.

For more info: comms@riamoneytransfer.com

About the author

Eloisa Armini

A Rome-native communication and marketing professional, Eloisa Armini has an extensive background in the nonprofit, financial, and education sectors, and focuses on writing about Corporate Social Responsibility and financial education.

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