
The World We Share: Meet Siti Juwita

The World We Share: Meet Siti Juwita

September 9, 2022 2 min read

A close-up of a woman wearing a dark-colored hijab and red lipstick. Text overlaying the image reads, "THE WORLD WE SHARE." The background is slightly blurred, drawing focus to the woman's face and the text.

“I must go through all this to change the lives of my family for the better.” It’s fair to say Siti Juwita is a woman with drive. Today, we bring you the story of one of Malaysia’s most dedicated and determined migrants.

We met Siti in the heart of Kuala Lumpur handing out flyers. As a promoter, Siti knows that the more sales she facilitates, the more money she can send home to support her family.

Few know Kuala Lumpur’s streets better than Siti. Though she has lived in Malaysia for 30 years, home for Siti continues to be Pematangsiantar, a small city in Indonesia that survives on its strong industrial base and where incomes are considerably lower than those in Kuala Lumpur. Siti points out that, “the economic instability [of Indonesia] makes life hard.” Since her arrival in Malaysia in 1992, hundreds of thousands of Indonesians have followed in Siti’s footsteps.

Siti’s home city has a powerful motto: ”Work together to achieve a noble goal.” Everything that Siti does embodies those words. She hopes that her hard work will allow her son to keep studying and eventually improve the family’s fortune.

It is not only her son that Siti thinks about. She explains, “the most difficult thing was to leave my parents behind.” But, she says, this is something that she must do, “for the good of my child’s education.” Like many, Siti is part of the sandwich generation: middle-aged adults that find themselves supporting both their parents and their children.

Where does she find the strength to keep going after 30 years? Siti reveals that her inspiration comes from regularly calling her family. These calls motivate her to continue to work hard on their behalf.

Siti’s ultimate goal is to return home to Indonesia, but for now, she will continue to work in Kuala Lumpur in order to provide for her family.

Stories like Siti’s remind us just how much the ability to send money across borders quickly, efficiently, and cheaply means to Ria’s customers. We strive to provide them with the best service possible, so that migrants like Siti have the support they need to turn their dreams into reality. Find more stories about Ria customers all over the world in our series, “The World We Share.”

For more info: comms@riamoneytransfer.com

About the author

Matthew Breakell

Originally from the United Kingdom, Matthew Breakell is an experienced content creator specializing in the importance and impact of international remittance flows.

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