
The World We Share: Meet AKM Habibur Rahman

The World We Share: Meet AKM Habibur Rahman

September 16, 2022 2 min read

A middle-aged man with short gray hair and wearing a light blue shirt is smiling slightly at the camera. The background is blurred with greenery and red. The text "THE WORLD WE SHARE" overlays the image.

In recent years, Bangladesh has experienced impressive economic growth and an exceptional reduction in poverty. This was in great part made possible by remittances, of which Bangladesh is the eighth largest receiver in the world. The sacrifices made by Bangladeshis who leave their country to work abroad and provide for their families back home are proving to be an economic boost for the whole country. 

In a scenario in which economic progress is often undercut by humanitarian crisis, AKM Habibur Rahman decided to leave his home in Bangladesh to find a job in Malaysia, the fourth-largest economy in Southeast Asia and a frequent destination for Asian migrants. 

“My parents are no longer around; I have my siblings that I need to support.” Habibur Rahman works abroad and sends the money he makes in Malaysia back home so that his siblings have enough to live well. 

No matter how hard each day away from his family and home country may be, he keeps dreaming of a better future, a dream for which he has a real plan. “I am planning to start my own business to support my family, for our future”. For him, being abroad is a step towards a very clear goal, one that he will share with his family and that will be the foundation of a better future. 

An estimated one million migrants leave Bangladesh every year, making it the nation with the sixth highest number of migrants abroad. But Habibur Rahman is more than just a number. His dreams, his loved ones back home, and his daily sacrifices make his story unique and his motivation special. For us at Ria, each of our customers is unique, and we strive every day to listen to their needs and help them create a better future for themselves and their families. 

If you too are living abroad like Habibur Rahman and want to send money to your loved ones back home, you can visit our stores or download the Ria Money Transfer app to get started.

About the author

Arthur Guzzo