
More for Mom: Six Mother’s Day Gifts that Mom Actually Kept

More for Mom: Six Mother’s Day Gifts that Mom Actually Kept

May 11, 2021 4 min read

A white ceramic mug decorated with colorful, abstract paint splashes and the word "MOM" in bold white letters. The background features large, bright orange circles on a light blue surface, giving the image a vibrant and playful feel.

Whether you’re a mom or a child (well, maybe an adult who has given gifts to your mom), you can relate. At one time or another, you’ve received or given a unique gift handcrafted with love. Some are beautiful while others are… interesting.

Not all gifts survive, but here are a few gifts made or received by Ria employees that earned a spot in history for the moms who received them!

1. The sewing project that showed she loved her mom ‘beary’ much

From Anne Wave, Sr. Lifecycle Marketing Manager

This polar bear was hand-sewn with love by Anne as a young child. The pattern pieces were carefully outlined in red sharpie, cut, and stuffed with cotton balls. Her mother, a talented seamstress, was impressed by the craftsmanship and has kept it for nearly two decades.

“I can’t believe she still has it!” said Anne.

2. The clay project that reminds mom she’s not #2

From Laura Sebastianelli, Sr. Marketing Manager – Europe

Every mother needs a… saucer for a tiny cup? Whatever it may be, the important thing is it comes in the shape of a heart! This is one of many Mother’s Day presents that Laura has received throughout the years.

3. The portrait fit for a museum

From Sharon Vallar, Marketing Manager – Americas

To children, moms are the most beautiful person on the planet. Sharon’s young son drew this charming portrait featuring her luscious hair, long eyelashes, and gleaming smile.

4. The ceramic figurine of her…nightmares?

From Hayley Appleton, Digital Marketing Design Manager

Fondly known as the ‘cowmation’ (a cross between a dairy cow and Dalmatian), this figurine was crafted by Hayley for her mother. Painting unfired pottery was a favorite activity for the mother-daughter duo. This is just one of the many animal variations featured around their family home.

5. The mug that made her heart skip a beat

Another great gift from Sharon Vallar, Marketing Manager – Americas

Sharon’s child must be a future doctor, because this Mother’s Day gift is more anatomically correct than not. It’s also practical. Once a coffee cup, it now holds the family’s spare change.

6. A paper cat that’s the purr-fect gift

From Rafael Giovanni Castillo Dragone, Global Sponsorships Coordinator

This exquisite gato expresses love in a way that only a handmade cat drawing cut-out can. But it’s even more meaningful for Rafael’s mom in Venezuela, who has rescued countless stray cats and loves all animals! In fact, a portion of the money transfers he sends back home to his mom goes towards these rescues. It rests its eyes knowing how special it is to her.

“I can’t remember how many animals she has rescued,” Rafael joked.

The gifts you give and receive evolve over the years, but one thing remains the same: the love you share. We’re celebrating Mother’s Day all month, and there’s something in it for everyone.

And if you’re ready to send mom her gift for Mother’s Day, we’re here for that. Get the Ria Money Transfer app for iOS or Android!

About the author

Arthur Guzzo

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