
Ace your job interview: 8 tips from our recruiters

Ace your job interview: 8 tips from our recruiters

July 27, 2023 4 min read

Illustration of a person sitting at a desk with an open laptop, arms raised in celebration. The laptop screen displays a woman conducting a job interview. A red thumbs-up icon with a rocket trails upward from the computer. A hanging red lamp and a plant are in the background.

A successful first interview can be the key to unlocking your professional future. From applying to starting your first day, getting a new job is often a process made up of many steps, which can change depending on the company and position you are applying for. Usually, the first stage after initial contact (which could be a call or an email) is an interview with Human Resources (HR). During this important first interview, the recruiter tries to see if the applicant is a good fit for the company, getting a sense of the candidate’s personality, general skills, and characteristics. Generally, technical questions are asked in a second and/or third interview, but this doesn’t mean that one should take the first interview lightly. Careful preparation can make or break a candidate’s chance to even reach the second step of the interview process. 

No matter the position and company you are applying for, there are some HR guidelines that you should always follow. We sat down with our HR department and asked for the insider tips you’ve always wanted from a recruiter. Here’s some of the tips you have been waiting for. 

Carefully read the job description. 
While some of the interview questions will be quite general, you are also going to be asked about things that are specific to the job position you are applying for. Make sure you read the responsibilities, qualifications, skills, and other requirements of the vacancy, so that you can reflect ahead of time on the personal experiences and knowledge you want to present to the recruiter.  

Review your CV before the interview.  
Go over your resume or application form and think about things the interviewer may ask you about. What are the highlights of your career? Why did you leave a previous company? What were your responsibilities in a past position? 

Prepare some examples.  
During the interview, you may be asked to provide real-life examples to demonstrate your strengths as a candidate. For instance, the interviewer may ask you how you showed resilience or handled conflict in the workplace. Be prepared to provide examples that show you have the right skills, personal qualities, and experience for the position and company you are applying to. 

Research the company.  
This one is evergreen, and yet, according to our Human Resources department, many candidates still overlook it. By checking the company’s website, social media, and communication channels, you’ll be more comfortable during the interview (because you are prepared for it) and know how to focus some of your answers. Make sure you know what the company does, what it believes in, and what its goals are. 

Try out the company’s product or service.  
If the company sells a product or service, try it before your interview when possible. If you are hired for the position, your goal will be to create value for the customers, and being a user is the first step to understanding their needs. It will also show the hiring manager that you are greatly interested in the position. 

Be on time.  
Make sure that you know how to get to the location of the interview. Figure out public transport options or places you could park in advance. Plan to arrive 5 to 10 minutes before the interview starts and make sure to call if you are running late. 

Look appropriate and professional.  
Your first impression always counts, and it can have a significant effect on the way your interviewer views you. Doing your research on the company’s website can help you decide whether it’s better to wear something slightly more casual or go for more formal attire. If there isn’t any information available, contact the person who scheduled your interview to ask. This is just as true online as it is in-person; for a video call, wear the same outfit that you would have if the interview were being held face-to-face. 

Ask questions.  
Interviewers usually leave some time for you to ask questions. Take advantage of it. This will show your interest in the company and position, and it will give you another opportunity to display your qualities – all things a recruiter takes into consideration. You can even prepare some of your questions ahead of time and have them ready when the moment comes during the interview.

In the end, all the tips could be summed up in one overall suggestion: be ready. Being clearly prepared for an interview will play to your advantage and will account for an important part of the impression you will give to the recruiter. It will also give you an opportunity to reflect on your own needs and desires for your career, which will help you better understand if the company and position on offer are the right fit for you. Your interviewer will surely see the effort and preparation you put into your application and that’s something they will take into consideration when making their decision.  

Looking for a job? Head over to our Career Page, where you can easily find and apply to the various job opportunities offered by Ria all over the world. Join our international team of professionals and become a part of our driven and diverse company.

For more info: comms@riamoneytransfer.com

About the author

Eloisa Armini

A Rome-native communication and marketing professional, Eloisa Armini has an extensive background in the nonprofit, financial, and education sectors, and focuses on writing about Corporate Social Responsibility and financial education.

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